Stillness is a wonderful source of rest and reset, of connecting to ourselves, of healing. When we are in stillness, this happens naturally, as stillness is a space where this is allowed to happen.
Rest, healing and connection to ourselves and to source want to happen. We just need to give it space and it will happily flood it. And: when we allow stillness within, we come home to ourselves. This is a superpower!
Sometimes it takes a moment before stillness can settle in. Even for me and I’ve done this for so long now! When I’m in a bad mood or nervous about something I might even try to talk myself out of giving myself that moment of stillness. But then I sit down to meditate or do Qi Gong anyway, because I now KNOW that it works. It may take a minute longer than usual, but then stillness is allowed to flood me. I’m so grateful for it, every time.
So why do I feel coming home to ourselves is a superpower?
Our world is usually quite the opposite of stillness. We are surrounded by noise, not just sound-wise, but energy-wise. We are asked to give so many things our attention at the same time. We are influenced daily, consciously or not, by the news, social media, by people we talk to and so much more. There are so many different voices out there, and often they are so loud we can’t hear our own voice, our soul’s voice.
In order to hear our inner voice, we need to become still. I would argue that nowadays finding and hearing our own inner voice, our own truth, is more important than ever. We need to feel and know who we are in order to stand in our own power, our authenticity, be our own sovereignty.
Stillness is the space where we can hear ourselves, hear our soul. We come home to ourselves. We understand who we are. We find peace with and within who we are. We find love with and within who we are. And this is definitely a superpower.